TrustedVerifier Quickstart
This quickstart outlines how to get started using a TrustedVerifier
A TrustedVerifier
allows for verification of signed data from other blockchains as opposed to using proofs.
This means that you can validate that your requests work as expected during the development process in advance of deploying your contracts with real verifiers.
For further details please see Verifiers > Development.
1. Run a trusted gateway
Replace op
in trusted:op
with the appropriate chain identifier.
git clone
bun run serve —-latest —-debug trusted:op
Further information about running a gateway can be found here.
2. Create a repo and install dependencies
bun i @unruggable/gateways
bun i @adraffy/blocksmith
3. Write your contract code
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
import "@unruggable/gateways/GatewayFetchTarget.sol";
import "@unruggable/gateways/GatewayFetcher.sol";
import {Ownable} from '@openzeppelin/access/Ownable.sol';
contract ReaderContract is GatewayFetchTarget, Ownable {
using GatewayFetcher for GatewayRequest;
IGatewayVerifier immutable _verifier;
address immutable _target;
constructor(IGatewayVerifier verifier, address target) Ownable(msg.sender) {
_verifier = verifier;
_target = target;
function read() external view returns (uint256) {
GatewayRequest memory req = GatewayFetcher.newRequest(1)
fetch(_verifier, req, this.readCallback.selector);
function readCallback(bytes[] memory values, uint8 /*exitCode*/, bytes memory /*carry*/) external pure returns (uint256) {
return abi.decode(values[0], (uint256));
4. Deploy your contract
Deploy your contract to a chain of your choice, passing the deployment address for the relevant TrustedVerifier
and the address of the contract from which you are reading data.
The example code above reads data from our SlotDataContract