

Unruggable Gateways CI

Unruggable Gateways is an open-source project (opens in a new tab) that provides a complete solution for fetching data from EVM-compatible rollups through contracts deployed on Layer 1 Ethereum mainnet.

This documentation provides:

The codebase is designed to be flexible so it can work with new rollups in the future.


The codebase offers a simple public API and a flexible internal virtual machine.

Key features of the solution include:

  • Multiple targets. You can fetch data from multiple contracts and use the results of one query as an input into the next.
  • Data manipulation. You can fetch a piece of data and then manpulate it. For example you could fetch a string and return a its keccak256 hash or you could return a slice of a larger bytes value.
  • Nested requests. You can nest requests to allow you to do more complicated data manipulation and allow for conditional outputs. There is an example of this more advanced functionality here (opens in a new tab) demonstrating the proposed ENS v2 specification (opens in a new tab).

If you have a use case that is not supported, please get in touch (opens in a new tab) and/or consider contributing.